Saturday, May 28, 2011


So, the Kids Clothing Week Challange ended awhile ago.  Were you wondering what happened to that? Yeah, so is the pile of fabric in my sewing room.  Oops.  It turns out, when you have never sewn any clothing before, it is a bad idea to commit to sewing 3 pairs of shorts and a dress during the same week your Hubby flies to San Diego and you have to pack the kids up to stay with relatives while you go on quilt retreat.  During baseball & golf season.  Because standing at a quilt retreat holding a pattern you can't make any sense of when you could be piecing a quilt just isn't a whole lot of fun.  Which is why I didn't.

I still intend to sew the promised garmets, but it isn't likely to happen before school ends. 

Hmmm, a post about what I didn't sew {???}  Hopefully I'll be able to redeem myself tomorrow.

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