Here are my purge projects, in no particular order:
1. these formerly abandoned HSTs are nearly a quilt top now {just need borders}

2. this is a giant star that I made with some seriously unloved fabrics that were given to me.

3. these unloveds are going to be a donation quilt - I have a few more squares to cut before I start sewing. but I'm not telling what I'm making just yet :)

4. A charm pack of Amy Butler Dots has been hanging around in my stash for too long unused. I'm not sure what this project is destined for yet, but the top is nearly done. More details to follow :) {yes, I'm being secretive today}

5. I keep the trimmings from quilt backs after quilting. this pile has been hanging around waiting for me to separate the fabric from the batting for awhile. because the batting strips were so skinny, I tossed them. I have more small bits of batting than I can reasonably expect to use anytime soon. {Those will need to be sorted out later}


that's it for me for now. what about you, are you purging?